The increasing price of oil in the world market and the depleted national oil reserves while on the other hand there is a high dependency on oil as national main source of energy, promote the development of new energy alternative in Indonesia. Apart from oil, Indonesia is also known to have contained enormous resources of conventional gas, coal, hydropower andgeothermal. Furthermore due to its significant coal resources, coal bed methane becomes one of the new promising alternative energy in Indonesia.
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Hadiyanto and Stevens S.H., 2005. Coalbed methane Prospects in Lower Rank Coals of Indonesia, IAGI Special issues - Indonesia Mineral and Coal Discoveries, 2005.
Legowo E.H, 2006. Current Status of CBM Development in Indonesia. Indo CBM Conference, Jakarta Indonesia, April 2006.
Scott A.R and Tyler R, 1998. Geologic and Hydrologic Controls Critical to Coalbed methane Production and Resource Assessment, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin.
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